About Meta Research

Welcome to the Meta Research web site.
Something has gone wrong in the field of astronomy. Many widely held beliefs fly in the face of observational evidence. Theories go through such contortions to resolve inconsistencies that the ideas can no longer be explained in simple language. Alternative ideas are often rejected out of hand simply because they challenge the status quo. The result... many of today's theories are unnecessarily complex.
Meta Research is dedicated to bringing some common sense back to this field. Here we challenge ideas that have consistently failed to make successful predictions, examine new paradigms, and advocate the ideas found to be most worthy of further consideration and testing.
Intuitively, most of us understand that an idea's popularity is no more an appropriate measure of its validity today than it has been at any other time in history. Yet those who question any widely accepted theories are labeled ignorant, and if they persist are branded cranks, charlatans, or worse. Meta Research does not claim to have all the answers. But here at least it is safe to ask the rude questions... and to make a case for alternative hypotheses.
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"What is the speed of gravity?"
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"Do most asteroids and other minor bodies have their own satellites?"
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"Do planets in our solar system explode??"
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Expeditions will tell you about past and future expeditions open to the public to total solar eclipses, meteor storms, or other spectacular astronomical phenomena.
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About Meta Research has information about the organization and a resume and bibliography for its Lead Astronomer, Tom Van Flandern
Viewpoint has short, informative articles about matters in the current news, often the subject of Internet rumors.
Members Only is still under development. The Members Only forum in our Message Board is now open.
Current News

Dr. Thomas C. Van Flandern succumbs to cancer, founder of Meta Research died January 9, 2009.
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Summary of "Crisis in Cosmology 2" conference.
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The 2008 August 1 issue of the Meta Research Bulletin is now available.
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"The Perihelion Advance Formula from Lorentzian Principles", available in two formats, depending on browser. See Gravity tab.
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