Australian Solar Eclipse Expedition

Our 2002 November 27-December 6 Eclipse Edge Expedition to Sydney, Adelaide, and the Outback in South Australia was fully successful. 21 participants viewed a magnificent eclipse in cloudless skies from a roadside site near Lyndhurst, less than two kilometers inside the inner southern edge of the eclipse path. Most expected totality/edge phenomena put in an appearance: long multi-diamond rings; continuous red chromosphere visibility; numerous Baily's beads; two small solar prominences; and a coronal streamer. Although shadow bands did not show up, possibly because of the high winds, the narrowness of the path and nearness of our site to the path's end produced a rare and astonishing view of the dark shadow passing by. The nearness to sunset added color to the eclipse, and viewers were also able to photograph a setting crescent Sun 20 minutes after totality ended. Reports and pictures will be posted or linked here as they come in.

Contributed pictures and reports:

  1. Expedition report and photos by Robert and Tahleen Nabors []
  2. Eclipse totality (edge) videos: (A) Phil Schupp: (A1) Windows Media Player; (A2) Real Media Player. (B) Mike Durst: (B1) Windows Media Player;(B2) Real Media Player.