Quasar birth?

21 years 2 months ago #6888 by Jeremy
Reply from was created by Jeremy
Halton Arp has received the wrath of his fellow astronomers for arguing this position in his two books

Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies
Seeing Red

I think he makes an extremely compelling case for this view and should be treated more fairly than he has been so far.

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19 years 4 months ago #14297 by cosmicsurfer
Replied by cosmicsurfer on topic Reply from John Rickey
I was just enjoying some fresh brewed coffee and re-reading the "Seeing Red" Halton Arp book review by TVF this morning before back to construction project. I often ponder how academia ever got into such a mess with being so locked into existing theoretical explanations that in itself the theories prevent any hope for evaluating the data without biasing the results.

You have to be open minded and look at all the possibilities. Is it possible that all matter is a condensate of a greater force field? That the push of gravity may be more of a "resonating force" that causes gyroscopic locked linked mass attraction within an electromagnetic field at local levels and on large scales causes repulsion between mass bubbular electromagnetic fields. If you could unlock the link of the local field then you cause repulsion or antigravity effects. Most likely between the galaxies you would find high pressure zones that are repulsive and contain the condensate of antimatter waveforms (reverse spin regions of space).

The anomalous redshift of "young regions" such as quasars originating from “older galactic regions” that are less energetic and contained within a large bubbular electromagnetic shell may be emitting light at varying speed limits. It could be that matter electromagnetic envelopes are surrounded by large plasma charged fields that are repulsive on other side of shell and inside regions cause an increased gravitational force when entering the first layers of the shielding effect. The pioneer spacecraft are experiencing increased gravity effects as they enter into the Oart Cloud region that could be a similar electromagnetic shielding effect that is the buffering layer against external solar system radiative pressures that contains the entire solar system mass and surrounding fields.

Our scientists lack the freedom to think for themselves in evaluating the facts since this data does not fit into existing theory. If light is a shock wave and is the result of demodulating higher frequencies within the atomic vortex, then it is impossible for light to be the speed limit of any universe, since there are no limits in an infinite positive and negative universe. We place the limits and unfortunately, those very limits keep us from figuring out what is really going on. So, if light is simply a shock wave, then could it be that these anomalous quasars are simply young and vibrant regions that are transmitting signals of the light spectrum at faster then light speeds as compared to the regional background light fields? Because of the increased “white hole” hyperdimensional activity, that is being released at FTL speeds the quasars are “redshifted” as compared to the relative quite regions of space.

If all mass is a condensate of higher frequencies that is similar to the structures of weather systems that forms condensations of clouds around low pressure zones in earth’s atmosphere, then it could be that all atomics is vortical and represents the modulation of these higher frequencies. Hot spots would naturally indicate greater activity. The phenomenon of regional heating is caused by gravity; however, the reverse condition can also be found in nature that shows cold energy to exist as a phase conjugation of reverse time but that is another story.


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19 years 4 months ago #14365 by jimiproton
Topic revived! Although looking back, I can say that the image linked in the original post clearly does not represent a quasar birth at all, but rather what looks like the beginnings of an eliptical galaxy that may have simply remained in a gravitationally binary relationship to it's parent galaxy (which has subsequently evolved into a spiral). The question is how a midget eliptical galaxy and a spiral galaxy could be so interrelated.

In the end, I have no idea what it is [B)], I guess I was just lamenting the accompanying explaination: "its two colliding galaxies." To me, it sounded like what Halton Aarp described, the tendency to re-define a correlation as mere "conincidence."

One can't rule out a collosion of galaxies, but interractions among galaxy-cores (and quasars) are abundant enough to hypthesize some correlation.

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19 years 4 months ago #12830 by jimiproton
quote from cosmicsurfer:
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Is it possible that... the push of gravity may be more of a "resonating force" that causes gyroscopic locked linked mass attraction within an electromagnetic field at local levels and on large scales causes repulsion between mass bubbular electromagnetic fields.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

The resonancy is pivotal, I think. I don't know why harmonics hasn't taken a stronger hold, it makes the best sence (and it's pleasing to the senses, too). <i>A priori</i>, a gravity constant isn't any more mandated than an "atmospheric pressure" constant. For mainstream models, however, one must be careful not to step in the Dark Matter.

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