Unified Theory for the Universal Structure: System

17 years 1 month ago #18319 by tvanflandern
This Message Board is for discussion, not for advertising other sites. Anything you want discussed must be explained here. And to really interest people, all they want to see is how your ideas compare to observation/experiment, to the mainstream model, and to the Meta Model that is the topic of the host site of this Board.

Your post is full of declarations. Such claims without reasoning or citation to back them up appear more like personal beliefs than science.

If you haven't done your homework, you will get little attention for your ideas here or anywhere. -|Tom|-

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16 years 8 months ago #20200 by socratus
Replied by socratus on topic Reply from israel socratus
My Unified Theory for the Universe.

I want to explain my position briefly.
There are only two Absolute constants in Universe:
T=0K and c=1.
And I explain the Existence using only these two
Absolute constants.

T = 0K.
There is only one Absolute Reference Frame
and it is Nothing/Vacuum : T=0K .
And Quantum Theory says that T=0K is not dead space.
QT says the " virtual particles " exist in Vacuum: T=0K.
These " virtual particles " have following parameters.
Geometrical form = C/D=pi ,
Potential energy = E=Mc^2,
Potential mass = R/N=k ,
Inner impulse = h = 0 ,
Mathematical formula = i^2=-1 .
Their condition is rest.
Then these " virtual particles " have Planck's impulse (h=1)
(or Einstein's impulse h=kb=1) they move with constant and
independent speed c=1.
We named these particle " Quantum of Light".
h = 1, c=1. ( light quanta).
Then these " virtual particles " have another impulse,
Goudsmit /Uhlenbeck,s impulse (h=h/2pi) they became
" electrons ". ( E = hw, e^2 = hca ).
This situation described with " The Lorentz transformations."
h = h /2pi , c>1.
E = hw, e^2 = hca ( electron).
The Lorentz transformations.
If these " virtual particles " have three conditions:
1) rest ( h=0),
2) strait ,constant, independent moving (c=1) and they can
3) rotate around its axis ( h=h/2pi) they are special particles.
And no other particles can reach their speed it means they
cannot have such ability as Light Quanta/ Electron has.
Therefore I say " Light Quanta/ Electron is privileged particle",
and it is possible to name Light Quanta/ Electron
as a " Spiritual, Conscious particle Soul " ( !!! )
There is another question.
The " virtual particles " exist in Vacuum : T=0K.
The Vacuum created these "virtual, spiritual, conscious particles ".
Then on the question:
" What gave birth to these Spiritual, Conscious particles? " we can
understand that something more Conscious is cause of their existence .
Something more Absolute, Great, Infinite, Eternal , Conscious
which hides behind the Absolute temperature T=0K.
And then it became clear, why ancient Egyptians wrote in
sacred tractate: "The Universe is something Intellectual". ( !!! )
Here I explain the process of " Star formation".
Star formation:
e- - k - He II - He I - rotating He - thermonuclear reaction:
a) hw > kT
b) hw = kT
c) kT > hw
As the result of star formation the Material particles
(protons) turn out well.
p ( Proton.)
Here I explain the process of interaction between
Light Quanta/ Electron and Proton.
The process of evolution is one of main in Universe.
Evolution of interaction:
a) electromagnetic,
b) nuclear,
c) biological.
The main laws in Universe.
a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy.
b) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / law.
c) The Pauli Exclusion Principle/ law.
Every theory must be testing logically and practically.
a) Theory and practice.
====== =======

The secret of words 'God', 'soul ', 'religion', Existence,
'dualism of consciousness', 'human being' is hidden
in the Theory of Light quanta.

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